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March 17, 2006



Hmmm. But I've been hearing protests that we *are* an adaptive management agency . I think maybe all of this EMS stuff might depend on whether we "get" the CE that the Forest Plan revisions are hoping for. If we don't, there will probably be EISs done--does that have any bearing on the survival of EMSs? Hmmmmmm.


Some have suggested the the NEPA related Categorical Exclusion and the EMS were a "package deal." See, e.g. http://forestpolicy.typepad.com/blog/2005/04/the_curious_cas.html

If so, what happens if the CE fails? Who knows? Could be that we get both an EIS requirement for forest plans AND EMS as currently described in the 2005 NFMA Rule. Could be that EMS retreats to facilities, etc. as some others are attempting to comply with the Executive Order. The political struggles could get interesting indeed if the CE fails. Look to June or July, I'm told, for hints or more...

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