Brad Burmark promised to share R5's Environmental Aspects/Impacts and more. In the meantime several of us have opined that there is likely a shared list of probable aspects and potential impacts that we might all draw from in working toward "Significance" and other matters..
Here is a start, cobbled together from stuff from R1 including FS Manual titles, activities, and impacts. Errors of transcription, or out-of-dateness, etc. are mine along. These are no doubt very preliminary stabs at what we might want. That's why I called it a start. (These might compliment Burmark's or might save Brad some work if these are similar in content and format.) Note: R1 tiers from FSM codes/titles to activities, impacts, etc. I'd like to craft a link to the spreadsheet but I don't yet know where it is, other than attached to an email.
Is this a right track to begin on? What vision of "Purpose and Scope of EMS," "Environmental Policy." "Objectives and Targets," "Operational Controls," etc. need we have in mind as we grapple with "activities, products and services,"environmental aspects," "environmental impacts," and other stuff from ISO 140001? [pdf - ISO 41001 - available to FS Intranet users only] How do we begin? I'm struggling.
Activities from R1 list, listed here independent of FSM categories:
Herbicide spraying
Biological controls
Mechanical [treatment] methods
Allotment mgt plans
Permit issuance
Timber harvest
Disaster relief - incl. salvage
Free use of timber
Forest products
TSI - thinning,etc
Road Construction
Road Reconstruction
Road Maintenance
Road Decommission
Trail Construction
Trail Reconstruction
Bridges and Structures
Access Management
Impacts listed independent of activities (bunched together and arranged alphabetically, sort of)
Aquatic impacts
Fuel reduction
Human health
Forest products
Range products
Public uses
Riparian systems
Native vegetation
Continue below for R1's FSM Titles list
Note that there are 80 FSM items here, lumped into 19+1 (other) categories.
Biological Diversity
Noxious Weed Management (ID)
Environmental Management
Solid Waste Management
Pesticide-Use Management and Coordination
Hazardous Materials Management
Energy Management
Range Management
Range Management Planning
Grazing and Livestock Use Permit System
Range Improvements
Range Cooperation
Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros
Recreation, Wilderness, and Related Resource Management
Wilderness Management
Publicly Managed Recreation Opportunities
Privately Provided Recreation Opportunities
Trail, River, and Similar Recreation Opportunities
Special Interest Areas
Special Recreation Designations
Landscape Management
Interpretive Services
Timber Management
Commercial Timber Sales
Uses of Timber Other Than Commercial Timber Sales
Silvicultural Practices
Watershed and Air Management
Watershed Protection and Management
Water Resource Management
Water Uses and Development
Soil Management
Air Resource Management
Wildlife, Fish, and Sensitive Plant Habitat Management
Cooperative Relations
Habitat Planning and Evaluation
Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitat
Stocking and Harvesting
Animal Damage Management
Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Plants and Animals
Special Uses Management
Special-Use Authorizations
Special Uses Administration
Road and Trail Right-of-Way Grants
Federal Power Act Projects
Minerals and Geology
Mining Claims
Mineral Leases, Permits, and Licenses
Mineral Reservations and Rights Outstanding
Mineral Materials
Forest Service Authorized Prospecting and Minerals Collecting
Fire Management
Wildfire Prevention
Presuppression Management
Fire Suppression
Prescribed Fire
Fuel Management
Law Enforcement
Law Violations
Cooperative Law Enforcement
Land Purchases and Donations
Partial Land Interests, Except Rights-of-Way
National Forest System Modification
Right-of-Way Acquisition
Reservations and Outstanding Rights
Landownership Title Management
Title Claims and Encroachments
Partial Interests [Reserved]
Use Restrictions [Reserved]
Native American Claims [Reserved]
Administration [Reserved]
Sales, Grants, Special Acts
Aviation Management
Engineering Operations
Fleet Equipment Management
Internal Energy Conservation
Buildings and Other Structures
Buildings and Related Facilities
Tramways, Ski Lifts, and Tows
Public Health and Pollution Control Facilities
Drinking Water
Solid Waste Systems
Food Service
Water Storage and Transmission
Dam Planning, Investigation, and Design
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Systems
Electrical Transmission [Reserved]
Electrical Utilization Equipment [Reserved]
Transportation System
Operation and Maintenance
Federal Lands Highway Programs