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  • Dave Iverson

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November 02, 2005


Geneen Granger

Dave - I like the systems approach, but not sure how it will mesh with contractor's process.... this is my attempt to comment!

We had huge thundering pipe clanging in our house pipes, and it turned out that city water pressure coming in was about 10 times higher than it was supposed to be, and Michael had to do some of that pressure stuff, but it started at the line coming in....

dave iverson


My pressure problem too was solved at the line coming in -- by replacing the pressure reduction valve. The expansion tank may help some, but the real problem was pressure too high on the incoming line.

Nice to see you making an attempt to use our new toy.

The systems approach WILL mesh well with whatever approach 'contractors' may espouse. At least it will mesh well if that's what we want.. Contractors work for us, not the other way around.

About tomorrow I'll post up what we came up with as to "activity categories," "activities" and "impacts" at our multi-forest EMS workshop that winds up today at noon. I'll attempt to tie the description bact to a systems approach.

We eventually abandoned our notion of starting with the Manual, and piggybacked our work off what was done up on the three-forest coalition in R6 (Coville, Okanogan-Wenatchee, Wallowa-Whitman). Thanks go to Dick Phillips and CO. for providing us a lead. Also to R1 for their activities, impacts, etc. which are not all that different.

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