In "The Cornucopia Scam: Contradictions of Sustainable Development," Sandy
Irvine warns that we cannot hold out hope for sustainable development until and
unless we develop an ethic for sustainability. Irvine is co-editor of REAL
WORLD and an associate editor for THE ECOLOGIST. Packaged within "The
Cornucopia Scam" we find guidelines to help us chart a path toward
sustainability as we begin to work on local and broader-scale sustainable
development endeavors. --6 pages.-- d.
The Cornucopia Scam:
Contradictions of Sustainable Development
by Sandy Irvine*
Part 3 -- Not Sustainable Development, Development of Sustainability!
This is the third of a three-part series from WILD EARTH. WILD EARTH (ISSN
1055-1166) is published quarterly by the Cenozoic Society, Inc., P.O. Box 455,
Richmond, VT 05477. Subscriptions are $30/yr. Reproduced with permission from
The path to real sustainability cannot be found by simply amending the
programme of sustainable development--it is too deeply buried in the
human-centered, expansion-oriented worldview of industrial society. Sound
policies can be developed only on the basis of a sound value system. The main
contours of a distinctively ecological way of valuing, thinking about and doing
things would appear to be:
- Acceptance that humanity is not above and apart from the rest of nature.
- Recognition that there is intrinsic value in all naturally occurring life
and landforms separate from any utilitarian value they may have for humans.
- Acceptance of an ethos of 'treading lightly' in all relationships--between
humans and other species as well as within human society.
- Commitment to organisational structures and technologies compatible with
sustained ecological diversity, including genetic boundaries between
- Commitment to cultural diversity among people providing that it is
compatible with overall environmental integrity and stability.
- Recognition that in all things--including human numbers, per capita
consumption, institutional size, technological innovation and
interference--there is a limit beyond which growth yields decreasing
returns or faces insuperable barriers.
- Recognition that, taken as whole, human society has overexpanded, and that
the primary goal must be to reduce as well as restructure the demands
currently placed upon environmental systems.
The primary task today is to reduce human impacts upon the environmental
systems, including other forms of life. Though individual lifestyle change is
certainly vital, the most important challenge is to bring the institutional
framework into harmony with that goal. Diversity, sufficiency, and stability
would become the critical yardsticks of progress in a sustainable earth
society, not the development processes of homogenisation and expansion.
Human numbers, per capita consumption levels, land uses, and technologies will
have to be limited to levels that do not deplete non-renewable resources faster
than safe and sustainable substitutes become available; do not consume
renewable resources faster than they replenish themselves; do not exceed the
safe absorption capacities of local watersheds, soil systems, and airsheds; do
not endanger the continued existence of other species; and neither exploit
other species, except for essential purposes, nor inflict avoidable pain and
These are not easy aims to define or measure. Relevant evidence often relates
to a failure to achieve them (e.g. illness and death from pollution, exhausted
fisheries); it is difficult to identify in advance specific benchmarks of
success. At the very least, however, the above principles do offer a radically
new agenda and framework for debate and policy development. The more detailed
problems of definition should be seen as a constant challenge to evaluate and
re-evaluate human impacts on the environment, to seek new ways of minimising
actual and potential harm and waste. The unacceptability of many current
practices is quite clear for example, once the rights of other species are
taken fully into account.
Decision-making on these issues will always take place against a background of
considerable uncertainty. Fortunately, though, measures to halt such
anthropogenic problems as global warming will be solution multipliers since
they will help resolve many other social and environmental problems. To that
extent, the balance of 'opportunity costs' favours action now, even if
subsequent research demonstrates that the greenhouse effect was nothing more
than the mirage produced by a few overheated imaginations.
The following criteria suggest a framework for judging sustainability. All
proposers of developments should be required to demonstrate--in an 'Ecological
Improvement Statement'--how the proposal would lead to a higher rating on such
criteria than that scored by the current land use.
Technological Products and Processes
- Avoidance of harmful changes to flow of heat in and out of Earth's
environmental systems
- Avoidance of harmful changes to volume and rate of mineral cycling within
environmental systems
- Biodegradability
- Avoidance of harmful changes to pH balances in both surrounding and distant
- Avoidance of toxic chemicals
- Avoidance of net human additions to background radioactivity
- Reduction in human-generated noise
- Reliance upon 'failure-tolerant' equipment and systems
- Reversibility
- Reliance upon ambient sources of energy and raw materials
- Decreasing dependence upon finite resources
- Reliance upon renewable resources within rates of natural replenishment
- Minimisation of energy loss in production and processing
- Encouragement of product durability, reuse, repair, and recycling
- Maintenance of the purity of water and integrity of aquatic ecosystems
- Topsoil conservation
- Retention or restoration of native vegetative cover
- Minimised livestock
- Bias toward technologies that communities can afford and that do not
aggravate social divisions
Social, Economic, and Political Framework
- Promotion of self-reliance, at an individual as well as a community level
- Human scale in organisational frameworks
- Flexibility in organisational and technological systems
- Emphasis on economic activities and structures that create added value and
retain profits within local community
- Payment of financial, health, and other costs by beneficiaries of an
- Placing of 'essential needs' of everyone before demands for luxuries from
- Maintenance of cultural diversity, provided it is compatible with
ecological diversity
- Freedom of information about proposed developments and other innovations
In case this list is thought fanciful, note that a growing number of buildings,
such as the new Ecover factory in Belgium (complete with meadow roof!),
incorporate many of the above points. There are similar examples in energy
supply, agriculture, and forestry--despite an economic framework stacked
against them. The same applies to the success stories in the field of
small-scale, community enterprises. Also many instances of product
regulations, not least the famous purity laws in the German brewing industry,
demonstrate that business enterprise and public protection can be harmonised.
Of course, high 'scores' in some respects cannot always be compared
meaningfully with lower ones elsewhere. One crucial test can resolve such
conflicts: whether it maintains and, if necessary, restores biodiversity. No
other issue provides so clear and challenging a parameter. Therefore, the test
policy to resolve conflicting priorities should be the maintenance of viable
native populations and the habitats required. Granted, no fixed baseline of
species diversity and richness in changing ecosystems exists, but the rate of
extinction now is orders of magnitude above normal levels.
In most situations no one policy will suffice. A mixture is needed, including
direct taxation, incentives, regulation, exhortation, and especially
education. The following are suggested as a possible core programme:
- Promotion of population reduction, including tax and welfare incentives for
those parenting fewer than two children, as well as provision of a rounded
sex education and free contraception
- Taxation of energy and raw materials (including water metering) to promote
an economy based on minimised inputs and maximised recycling of outputs;
corresponding decreases in rates of personal taxation (which otherwise will
be strictly progressive); 'turnover tax' system to discourage excessively
large business enterprises; upper limits on personal wealth and similar
limits on land and company holdings; use of 'green' tariffs to regulate and
reduce foreign trade; opposition to GATT and Uruguay Round liberalisation;
reform of currency, banking, and other financial services plus accountancy
procedures in line with ecosustainability
- Regulations setting ecological standards and codes of conduct for
processes, products, and consumer/employee relationships; requirement of
annual and published environmental and social audits of an institution's
activities; public process of assessing and controlling scientific and
technological innovation; a policy of 'guilty until proven innocent'
regarding proposed innovations
- Ecological land use zoning, including the setting aside of sufficient land
for non-human life forms; taxation of windfall profits from land ownership;
freeze on current road, airport, retail park, leisure complex developments
etc.; restriction of future building developments to already degraded
sites, especially within 'inner city' zones; statutory protection of
remaining wetlands, old-growth woodland and other wilderness or
comparatively species-rich areas; public funding for the rehabilitation of
degraded ecosystems
- Cancellation of Third World debts and many so-called 'development'
projects, especially export-oriented schemes; ecologically tied aid for
family planning, clean water, and other health promotion measures
- A policy of 'non-aggressive defence'; renunciation of nuclear, chemical,
and biological weaponry; withdrawal from alliances incompatible with those
principles; support for democratic reform of UN, and global action against
dictators and others who threaten general peace and security
- Emphasis of health expenditure on preventive and public health programmes
- Education about, and for the environment: the values, knowledge and
practical skills to lead 'conserver' lifestyles; 'ecoliteracy' to be
treated as important as literacy and numeracy
- Public investment to facilitate the above, including programmes of
industrial conversion (e.g. of shipyards to the production of offshore wind
turbine platforms) as well as conversions of farming and forestry on
ecological lines
- 'Bioregional' and localised structure for governance; a shift from
traditional property rights (those claimed by nations as well as
individuals) to new ones conditional upon the meeting of ecological
standards; revisions to the legal system to redress the balance which, at
present, protects those who damage the environment and mistreat other life
forms; 'legal standing' for non-human life forms.
Many of the above measures are inherently labour-intensive (e.g. repair and
retrofitting work) and will take people off the dole queues. By contrast, as
argued above, growth-oriented policies tend to encourage automation and job
shedding. However, it is vital to avoid the left-wing trap of promising a
return to 1950s-style full employment. In today's unsustainable economy, the
creation of more jobs on traditional lines might offer temporary relief but
cannot create longer term security. Traditional Keynesian public investment or
'pump-priming', for example, will simply eat up physical resources and dry out
the 'ecological well' (the New Deal programmes of the Roosevelt administration
caused great environmental damage and it was the advent of war that really
soaked up unemployment). There is an urgent need for large-scale public
investment but within a strictly ecological framework.
Contrary to what is often alleged, a more ecological approach necessarily
involves a social agenda. Indeed, as Ray Dasmann argued back in the 1960s, all
human activities must be managed in the light of their environmental impact.
The emphasis is switched from environmental management (e.g. dams and levees)
to the management of people and their artefacts (e.g. land use zoning to keep
settlements away from flood plains, protection of wetlands from human
encroachment, taxation of excessive water use). At a governmental level, it
will be necessary to harmonise with overriding ecological goals the policies
not just of departments with more obvious environmental impacts (finance,
transport, agriculture, industry, housing, defence, trade etc.) but also of
educational, legal, welfare, and health services.
A more specific example might illustrate how appropriate 'social' policies
could be identified. At present, there is a drive to put out to contract
services once provided 'in-house'. An ecological approach would not start form
some a priori assumption that one system is better than the other. Evidence
suggests, however, that initiatives such as recycling and better waste
management are more likely to flourish when staff do not come from an external
and ever-changing pool of contract employees, with no experience and commitment
to any particular firm. Status, security, and pay also seem to suffer in the
contract system. Clearly, in these circumstances, the ecological approach
would oppose contracting out, unless evidence demonstrated that such
consequences could be avoided.
A stable and sustainable social structure gives all its members a real sense of
participation and belonging. The leading advocate of 'steady-state' economics,
Herman Daly, argues that a limit to income differentials is a critical tool for
sustainability. Indeed, growth-oriented policies often have been favoured by
the rich and powerful as a means of buying off demands for a fairer
distribution of land and wealth, with the position of the poor usually ending
up unchanged, if not worse.
The ecological programme must be thoroughly democratic: Totalitarian solutions
are non-solutions since they are deeply unstable. Stalinism and Nazism, for
example, destroyed human communities and environment. Interestingly, many of
those who talk about the threat from 'eco-fascism' belong to political
traditions which, unlike ecopolitics, denied or acted as apologists for the
monstrosities committed in countries like Maoist China, where brutal oppression
mirrored great environmental destruction. There are few, if any, examples of
'environmentally friendly' authoritarian regimes. The building of a
sustainable society without popular consent and participation would be as
unsuccessful as Prohibition was against alcohol consumption.
In terms of overall policy, 'sustainable contraction', not sustainable
development, might be a more honest description of the task facing humanity.
Of course, at present it is a deeply unpopular perception since we live in a
culture where expansion and progress are seen as synonymous. Nevertheless,
from the broad perspective of human evolution, Industrial Growth Society will
prove to be a short-lived aberration. An increasing number of scientists,
most notably Professor E. O. Wilson, are producing evidence that not just our
physical well-being but our psychological and spiritual health depends upon the
resumption of a more modest role in the totality of life. It is the transition
to that goal that is so difficult, not the destination.
But we should not confuse the goal with the flexible strategies that may be
necessary to popularise it. Perhaps this is the final indictment of the
sustainable development bandwagon. Far from preparing society for the mammoth
task ahead, it is reinforcing the complacent view that we need to make only
minor changes to the way we live.
In many areas supporters of sustainable development and those committed to a
deeper ecological vision can find common ground and work together. Perhaps the
most important challenge of today, however, is not in terms of specific
initiatives. It is of a more conceptual nature--in our hearts and minds. At
the level of core values and goals it becomes clear that what may seem to be
merely two different routes to the same destination are, in reality, radically
different and fundamentally incompatible perceptions about both the human
prospect and the place of humanity within nature's order.
* Sandy Irvine (Environmental Policy Unit, University of Northumbria, 22,
Ellison Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 85T) is working on secondment as the
Environmental Curriculum Development Officer at the University of Northumbria,
seeking ways to introduce green issues into the curriculum. He co-authored
A GREEN MANIFESTO (London: Optima, 1988) and subsequently wrote BEYOND GREEN
CONSUMERISM (London: Friends of the Earth, 1989). He co-edits a quarterly
ecological and political magazine, REAL WORLD, and is an associate editor of
Text reference: "The Cornucopia Scam," WILD EARTH 5(1):76-80, Spring 1995.