"Book Review: Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the
Edge of the 21st Century, by Alvin Toffler"
- Excerpts from Toffler's book
| 1/9/91
"The Environmental Impact of Persian Gulf Oil Fires: Polarization in
the Scientific Community"
- Dave Iverson, Intermountain Region US Forest Service
| 1/24/91
"The Experts Vs. The Public"
- Adapted from "The Competitiveness Conundrum", The American Enterprize,
Sept/Oct 1990: 43-51,
by Richard Lindeborg, Wash Office, US Forest
| 2/6/91
"Out of Your Car, Off Your Horse: 27 Propositions on Sustainability"
- Wendell Berry, (from The Atlantic Monthly, February 1991:
| 2/19/91
"The Future of the Environment"
adapted from American Public Opinion Index 1989, Opinion Research Service,
boston, MA.
Richard Lindeborg and Beverly Carroll, Wash. Office US Forest
| 2/26/91
"National Forest Management Act Rulemaking and Conflict Management"
- "Advanced Notive of Proposed Rule", WO US Forest Service
"Public Lands Conflict and Resolution", Chris Hansen, Mt.
Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington
| 3/8/91
"New Forestry and the Debate"
- Logan Norris, (from Western Banner 3(3), 1990)
| 3/15/91
"Reflections on Planning: The Value of Uncertainty"
- Kenneth Boulding (from Technology Review, Oct/Nov 1974)
| 3/22/91
"Research in a New Role"
- Winifred B. Kessler, (forthcoming in Environmental Quarterly)
| 3/22/91
"Perspectives in Natural Resource Management"
- Steve Egeline, Fremont National Forest, Oregon
| 4/4/91
"Boundless Bull"
- Herman E. Daly (from Gannett Center Journal 4(3):113-118,
Summer 1990)
| 5/8/91
"Judge Dwyer's Fifty Findings of Fact"
- Summary Interpretation by Rick Wetherill, Pacific Northwest
Region USFS
| 5/31/91
"Fire and the Winds of Change"
- Dave Iverson, Intermountain Region US Forest Service
| 6/28/91
"Courage from Within"
- (from Wilderness, Summer, 191)
| 7/15/91
"Forest Service Pulled by Competing Interests: Agency Trying To Please
Everyone, Pleases No One"
- Alston Chase (from the Oregonian 7/21/91)
| 7/26/91
"The Road to Sustainability"
- (from Balance-Report, Aug 1991, Population-Environment Balance, Wash.DC)
| 8/20/91
"Book Review: Land Stewardship in the Next Era of Conservation,
by V. Alaric Sample and others"
- Dave Iverson,
Intermountain Region US Forest Service
| 9/11/91
"District Rangers in an Era of Land Stewardship"
- Dave Iverson,
Intermountain Region US Forest Service
| 9/19/91
"Barriers to Effective Public Interaction"
- Arthur W. Magill (from Journal of Forestry 89(10):16-18, Oct
| 10/22/91
"A Silviculturist's Creed or One Person's View of Forest Health"
- John D Shafer, Apache-Sitgraves National Forest, Arizona
| 11/12/91
"Evolving Concepts of Leadership: Towards a Sustainable Future"
- Jeff M. Sirmon, Deputy Chief US Forest Service
(from Forest
Perspectives 1(2):8-9, Summer 1991)
| 11/27/91
"Official Cuts Against the Grain: Fights US Timber Quota, Tries to
Give Montana Forest A Rest"
- Tom Kenworthy, Washington Post
| 12/2/91
"USFS Chief Robertson responds to the New York Times"
- F. Dale Robertson, Washington Office US Forest Service
| 12/6/91
"Chief Seattle's Statement on Ecology"
| 12/12/91
"Leadership - Toward a Sustainable Future (part 2)"
- Jeff M. Sirmon, Deputy Chief US Forest Service
| 12/13/91
"His Goal: Destroy Environmentalism" (Wise Use Movement summary)
- Katherine Long, Seattle Times 12/2/91
| 12/16/91
"Persian Gulf Fire Notions Revisited"
- Comment by David Wickwire,
Targhee National Forest, Idaho
| 12/20/91