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February 18, 2011


John M. Bachar, Jr.

Proposed Social Security Legislation

See the analysis of Social Security (SS), not to be found anywhere else, for the 16 year period, 1993 through 2008. The central result is that easy structural changes can be made to the SS taxation system by an act of Congress that will easily provide for sufficient annual contributions and Trust Fund assets growth to take care of the retirement needs of the increasingly aging population into perpetuity, as well as the replacement of the existing 73-year old regressive SS taxation system (only salaries/wages are taxed below a certain amount called the “cap”) by a progressive one (i.e., the taxation of all income, not merely salaries/wages, at a rate that increases with increasing income), and without reducing retirement benefits nor increasing the retirement age. Please click on:


In the first of the four papers, "SOCIAL SECURITY: PRESERVING THE SYSTEM AND EXPOSING THE DESTRUCTIVE FIXES", you will see that if the caps on salaries/wages had been removed for the 16 year period 1883-2008, only $742 billion more would have been collected, which IS NOT ENOUGH TO PAY THE BENEFITS FOR THE CURRENY YEAR, 2011!!

Also click on:



John M. Bachar, Jr.
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
California State University Long Beach (CSULB)
[email protected]


Hi, first I’m really happy I found this article. Also, let me say I like the way you write, makes it really nice to read.

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