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October 13, 2008



Laughter in middle of stock market madness. Details below:


Keith Masterson

I think we can get out of the Bear Market quickly and without too much pain. What we need to remember is how efficient and powerful the free market is with allocating resources and setting things straight. There is so much talk about the current financial crisis but this article by Steve Forbes really cuts through the haze on the topic- http://www.forbes.com/hcome/forbes/2008/1110/018.html- It is a great read with a simple premise: capitalism will save us as it always has. All we have to do is let the market do its work.


Bailout 2008, a poem by David Jeffrey

Like a bloodied warrior,
laying broken and torn.

Like a dying soldier, hopeless and forlorn.

But the blood, it be green,
the color of money.

And the soldier is an economy,
and it is anything but funny.

Broken are it's people and shattered are their dreams.

Thanks to the ultra rich and their full proof schemes.

It is a tragedy with more pain to come.

Finance will be Hell, and their wills will be done.

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