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June 01, 2008


Ken Houghton

Those of us who worked in the market in the early 1980s always heard that it was Citi, not JPMorganChaseMannyHannyBS that started the market.

Indeed, Tett's piece is harmed by not acknowledging the origin, which was a credit arbitrage opportunity between two firms that preferred funds in a different form than the rest of the market was offering. There was a businessnot financial,per seneed between two companies, and market inefficiencies that could make it happen.

B. Lonpgre

I have not seen Gillian's articles in the FT. I was hoping to see some work by her on what to do as the Governments lose their credit rating and print money to excess thereby creating masssive inflation.

I would like ot have her thoughts on these issues that we will face down the road.

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