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April 07, 2008



"Let's not be eager to blame the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and the SEC for this mess. NeoCons and "free market fundamentalism" are better targets for blame. And let's not forget that there was good reason for bringing the Federal Reserve system into being long ago—to curb the excesses of "boom and bust" cycles."

The FED and FDR are predominately to blame for the mess that we are in. Had money been tied to gold as is required in the Constitution, we would not be suffering from the almost total collapse (>96% decline) in the purchasing power of our dollar. The boom and bust cycles you were referring to were due to wild cat fractional reserve banking. The true fix to this mess would be to eliminate entirely fractional reserve lending in banking and printing of the currency without commodity backing. You can't loan or print money you don't have. How complex is this? I'm no rocket scientist, but it seems to be to be very simple.

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