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September 17, 2007



Kuntsler's last line is classic, absolutely wonderful!

Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhD


On Friday the partner country of America was having the toughest time
in the ever friendship that was since years. Here it is. The North
Rock bank, the property bank had a huge quies from 6am to 2.pm and
there were frustrated customers to withdraw the cash as the bank
seemed to be sinking with the property market. Some one said that this
was not a problem, just the panic. But if I were there I would do the
same. After all it is my savings of the years.
Now let us look at exactly what happened.
The American dollar slipped and had the world gasping for the more
cash. You see the cash that was is now stashed in the farced it had
created by Colin Powel, Tony Blaire and company. Tony has left asking
Bush to hold the baby of the bleeding economy that too is sagging.
The dollar is at the lowest ebb on 16th September 2007 against all
currency. What is more there is a demo in the Washington about the war
in Iraq. Now if I see this in the TV. I have many thoughts running in
my mind. What is happening to the strong dollar that dominated the
world? The Senate is upset and the majors of the wars who are more
experienced then the president state," We are draining our money and
men if we continue. Look buddy we still have Katrina and others to
settle down in their residents, we have SEC not doing too good a job,
Afghanistan soldiers as per SKY TV seem to be having very bad time and
what is more they seem to be corrupted. The idea is to stay on in
Afghanistan and get rich by the Poppy crop and teach as less as
possible to the Afghan soldiers."
Sir with this how can dollar see the silver lining. In fact
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 — Alan Greenspan, who was chairman of the Federal
Reserve for nearly two decades, in a long-awaited memoir, is harshly
critical of President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and the
Republican-controlled Congress, as abandoning their party's principles
on spending and deficits.

Sir I am but a small fry when the giants talk. I thank you.
Parents are too killers. I do not think so, but the Moral, the money,
etc baffles me.

If The Madeline case would have been in Agatha's hands may be the
Portuguese and the British would have given her the bonus. What a
farce about the mother and fatter killing then abusing the media. I
Thank you please publish this as a blog or comment. I write many.
Check me on Firozali a Mulla Yahoo.com

The idea may not click to many Americans. The story is USA will have
to go to Iran. Here is the reason. Islam is very strong in Iran. Osama
blew the towers but this was because he has everything against
everyone. He is a Wahabi, an opportunist. He is neither Sunni nor
Shia. He was in Saudi and there he nurtures the hate for the Americans
after the Kuwait war. He was in America and kept on seeing the booming
economy then. The low response to his speeches in Islam countries and
tie Saudis to go against America and make him co operate with Tali9ban
and many Sunnis who were anti Saudis as the Saudis are the monarchs
and the heritage is passed on from the father to son. There is no
democracy. It is a hood winked democracy that America sees as all are
equal. They are not. In fact the 13th September papers said the Saudi
women are pressuring the Saudi government( King) to give them more
autonomy as the driving the cars etc is restricted to the men only.
Osama saw this is Hitler had seen against the Jews. Every Jew is a
clerk and every clerk is s Jew. He went to blow the twin tower to draw
attention to the world that there was someone powerful then USA.
Note that Wahabi is spearing in America, Bush administration has no
alternative but to go to the once Axis of Evil for help as Iran is
anti Wahabi. To put more clearly the Wahabi are Arabs Sunnis decants
but anti Monarch and they will do anything for money. This has spread
everywhere and the Pakistan is full of these Wahabi. In fact the
America is a problem not with Pakistan, not with Taliban but the
They are secretive beads in hand Allah in the lips but the dagger in the eye.

Firozali A. Mulla MBA PhD
P.O.Box 6044
East Africa.

Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhD


I refer to the Financial Times (UK) of Saturday, August 27th Sunday 2005that has the heading “Greenspan warns successor: Future of asset prices worries Fed’s chairman,
Protectionist pressure threatens US economy; World’s top bankers listen to his speech.
I guess Alan has said this on this day and Dr. Bernanke may be in trying to shift in the chair of the Alan may not have heard all of this
However when I look at the article of this issue, I think Alan is right in going ahead with the writing of the book. If he proved himself so accurate on 2005, I guess I got to give him the credit for this.
The USA economy has shaken the world monetary system. The losses not the natural ones but the man made have divested the human lives to such a level that even if August job increase gives the little breeze to the already pale faces, the end is yet to come I guess.
I thank you
Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhD
P.O.Box 6044
East Africa

Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhD

25th October I see the dollar dwindling in circles. There is no chance the dollar will come up now as the Far Eastern economies are bettering the American dollar not just on the currency field, but the skies see the Chinese and Russian satellites after many year . Do not know if we are back to the era of Mao like years but the dollar is definitely out for some time.
Seems bad but that is the fact American will have to live with. I think the downfall was mostly because of the Iraq war and no oil or no WMD. The oil has shot up to 90 but this should not worry the consumers. The reason is simple. We are talking of the CPI. This means what one commentator has said, American can spend a lot. The purchasing power therefore denotes the GDP or NDP. Oil at 100 also is cheap( although at this time all eyes are on Iraq and turkey borders, I guess this is a political maneuver too), and the fires in California have shifted all eyes not on oil but the growing China and India and the Iran shaking hands with Putin who agrees that Iran can have the nuke facilities.
This put the GDP off the scoreboard for now. WE are looking at the CPI and the money I have to spend at this time. Do I have enough, then why do I to worry about the GDP. What is more the globalization state we are a small village. Therefore, I can safely look at the other places not particularly mine and leave the GDP totally off my life

I thank you
Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhD
P.O.Box 6044
East Africa

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