Six Fingers of Blame in the Mortgage Mess, Alan Blinder, Ny Times, Sept. 30: SOMETHING went badly wrong in the subprime mortgage market. In fact, several things did. And now quite a few homeowners, investors and financial institutions are feeling the pain. So far, harried policy makers have understandably focused on crisis management, on getting out of this mess. But soon the nation will turn to recrimination — to good old-fashioned finger-pointing.Finger-pointing is often decried both as mean-spirited and as a distraction from the more important task of finding remedies. I beg to differ. Until we diagnose what went wrong with subprime, we cannot even begin to devise policy changes that might protect us from a repeat performance. So here goes. Because so much went wrong, the fingers on one hand will not be enough.
The first finger points at households who borrowed recklessly to buy homes, often saddling themselves with mortgages that were all too likely to default. They should have known better. But what can we do to guard against it happening again?
Not much, I’m afraid. …
It seems more promising to point a finger directly at lenders. Some lenders sold mortgage products that were plainly inappropriate for customers, and that they did not understand. There were numerous cases of unsophisticated borrowers being led into risky mortgages.
Here, something can be done. For openers, we need to think about devising a "suitability standard" for everyone who sells mortgage products. …
[B]ank regulators deserve the next finger of blame for not doing a better job of protecting consumers and ensuring that banks followed sound lending practices. Fortunately, the regulators know they underperformed, and repair work is already under way.
Regulators also need to start thinking about how to deal with a serious incentive problem. In old-fashioned finance, a bank that originated a mortgage also held it for years (think of Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life"), giving it a clear incentive to lend carefully. But in newfangled finance, banks and mortgage brokers originate loans and sell them quickly to a big financial firm that "securitizes" them; in other words, it pools thousands of mortgages and issues marketable securities representing shares in the pool. These "mortgage-backed securities" are then sold to investors worldwide, to people with no idea who the original borrowers are.
Securitization is a marvelous thing. It has lubricated the market and made mortgages more affordable. We certainly don’t want to end it. But securitization sharply reduces the originator’s incentive to scrutinize the creditworthiness of borrowers. After all, if the loan goes sour, someone else will be holding the bag. We need to find ways to restore that incentive, perhaps by requiring loan originators to retain a share of each mortgage.
But wait. Don't the ultimate investors have every incentive to scrutinize the credits? If they buy riskier mortgage-backed securities in search of higher yields, isn’t that their business? The answer is yes — which leads me to point a fourth finger of blame. By now, it is abundantly clear that many investors, swept up in the euphoria of the moment, failed to pay close attention to what they were buying.
Why did they behave so foolishly? Part of the answer is that the securities, especially the now-notorious C.D.O.'s, for collateralized debt obligations, were probably too complex for anyone’s good — which points a fifth finger, this one at the investment bankers who dreamed them up and marketed them aggressively.
Another part of the answer merits a sixth finger of blame. Investors placed too much faith in the rating agencies — which, to put it mildly, failed to get it right. It is tempting to take the rating agencies out for a public whipping. But it is more constructive to ask how the rating system might be improved. That’s a tough question because of another serious incentive problem.
Under the current system, the rating agencies are hired and paid by the issuers of the very securities they rate — which creates an obvious potential conflict of interest. If I proposed that students pay me directly for grading their work, my dean would be outraged. Yet that’s exactly how securities are rated. This needs to change, but precisely how is not clear. … {emphasis added here}
..."the regulators know they underperformed"? I think I might word this slightly diferently.
And, I'm more than a little surprised Blinder doesn't believe the FED doesn't merit a finger for inaction & inappropriate meddling. I don't know a single person (without an axe) who's followed this catastrophy who doesn't believe the FED deserves THE finger for its role! Amazing!
Posted by: bailey | October 02, 2007 at 08:16 PM
Boy am I distracted these days: I forgot to look for "sins of omission" when I blogged Blinder's list.. Thanks Bailey.
Posted by: Dave Iverson | October 03, 2007 at 09:12 AM
Sir The small blunder of words
Mr. Bush has lost the best friend he had. The British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blaire. Just two words "YO Blaire". He is a loner fading out in politics and economy. His veto on everything says he is pushy and no one these days likes to be pushed, no even Saddam likes and he lied about the WMD. What happened was many fell for the outcry. Bush fell this was good way to attack Iraq and be closer to Iran. This was then the idea also to be near Russia.
Iran itself is not the crux of the wear or WMD or the Nuke program. It is the words coined the first time AXIS of Evil that is not to be erased.
It is the ego not the war
There is no war. Words words words only.
I thank you
Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhD
P.O.Box 6044
East Africa
Posted by: Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhD | October 04, 2007 at 11:11 PM