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September 30, 2007



..."the regulators know they underperformed"? I think I might word this slightly diferently.
And, I'm more than a little surprised Blinder doesn't believe the FED doesn't merit a finger for inaction & inappropriate meddling. I don't know a single person (without an axe) who's followed this catastrophy who doesn't believe the FED deserves THE finger for its role! Amazing!

Dave Iverson

Boy am I distracted these days: I forgot to look for "sins of omission" when I blogged Blinder's list.. Thanks Bailey.

Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhD

Sir The small blunder of words

Mr. Bush has lost the best friend he had. The British Prime Minister, Mr. Tony Blaire. Just two words "YO Blaire". He is a loner fading out in politics and economy. His veto on everything says he is pushy and no one these days likes to be pushed, no even Saddam likes and he lied about the WMD. What happened was many fell for the outcry. Bush fell this was good way to attack Iraq and be closer to Iran. This was then the idea also to be near Russia.
Iran itself is not the crux of the wear or WMD or the Nuke program. It is the words coined the first time AXIS of Evil that is not to be erased.
It is the ego not the war
There is no war. Words words words only.
I thank you
Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhD
P.O.Box 6044
East Africa

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