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October 07, 2005


Travis Bickle

Caroline Baum is a hack of epic proportions.



"Hack: To cut or chop with repeated and irregular blows." I guess that in one sense Caroline Baum has been hacking on the Greenspan and the FED pretty regularly, and tends to hack away at some prominent economic mythology when not dealing directly with the FED. That might qualify Baum as "a hack, but" "a hack of epic proportions?"

I admire the fact that as a reporter/commentator Baum keeps digging, keeps talking with economists (and others) who have more experience than she in matter economic. I too am a hack, and proud of it. If one doesn't hack at this stuff, how else might one learn?

The subject matter of economic, and financial economics in particular, is too complex to fit into any tight little ideological/methodological bundle. So hacking is about the only way to try to penetrate the fog, the spin, the theological underpinnings of what people say about it.

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