Tired of being told to "go shopping" whenever a national or international crisis occurs?
Tired of hearing that "recycling" will save us?
Note: Recycling is a very good idea, just "not enough."
Want to know how our so-called Consumer Society was manufactured?
Want to know why the linear "produce, manufacture, CONSUME" model is so deeply flawed?
Ever wonder how stuff can be so damned cheap? And wonder who is really paying "the freight"?
Want to know more about the pathway to sustainability?
Then you'll be glad to see/hear how Annie Leonard exposes the dark underbelly of our Consumer Society in a little 20 minute educational video titled The Story of Stuff.
Here is a trailer:
More at storyofstuff.com.PS.. If I'm the last person on the block (the Planet?) to hear about The Story of Stuff—having heard about it over coffee just yesterday—chalk it up to the fact that I'm an old, retired economist living in Utah, just a small step on the far side of nowhere. But damned good scenery!
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