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January 25, 2008



I dig it. I figured there were ways to build "baseload" using renewables.

Good to see you post again.


Dave Iverson

Thanks C!

I've been despondent--coldest, snowiest winter in two decades here in Utah. And I spent three weeks with a bad cold, starting just after Christmas. So maybe I'm back in the saddle again.. We'll see. I did put up a post on my Forest Policy blog last night dealing with mythologies surrounding Forest Service Efforts to "restore ecosystems" purportedly disturbed by "fire supression", and other human-caused disturbances. Maybe I ought to cross-post it here. Here's a link in case you are interested:

PS.. Beautiful day today here in UT. Sunny and warm (just above freezing), and more deep powder to ski in coming in on Monday according to weather forecasters.

Antonio Pietrangeli

I really hope that the same goal will be foreseen here in Italy. I work as a hydropower engineer (http://www.pietrangeli.it) and unfortunately the bureaucracy still dominates the sector in our country and practically the opportunities are still extremely small.

Larry Furman

We could do it here too. The US could be 100% clean and renewable energy in 10 years - "clean and green by 2018" if we wanted to be. All we'd need to do is install about 225 gw of wind power and 75 gw of solar.

Larry Furman

I've been writing about this on Popular Logistics - http://www.popularlogistics.com


Hooray for aggressive action!

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