Today, the Global Forest Coalition and the Global Justice Ecology Project strongly condemn—on both human rights and environmental accounts—recent carbon trade announcements/resolutions at the UN Bali Glogal Climate Change Conference. "They are going to use the failed model of carbon trading to supposedly protect forests, but just like agrofuels, the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility [3] is going to exacerbate deforestation at a faster rate, worsen human rights abuses and do nothing for the climate but make it less inhabitable", Dr. Miguel Lovera, Chairperson for the Global Forest Coalition.
14 December 2007See also:
What's missing from the climate talks? Justice!Bali Forest Outcomes Trample Indigenous Peoples' & Local Communities' Rights
False "Solutions" to Climate Change Condemned at the UNFCCCNusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia-As the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ends, Global Forest Coalition expresses great concern that market-based mechanisms promoted here do not give enough guarantees to indigenous peoples and forest dependent peoples to ensure their rights.
Global Forest Coalition's Managing Coordinator, Simone Lovera stated, "The outcomes of the forest negotiations here in Bali do not include any guarantee that the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities regarding their forests, which have been enshrined in the UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, will be respected. Instead, this entire process is dominated by the corporate interests of logging, soy and palmoil companies that have started to demand compensation for every tree they don't cut down. Carbon offset projects financing such compensation schemes do not contribute anything to mitigating climate change, they are no more than a convenient lie to subsidize some of the most destructive industries on earth. Considering the crisis we are in, carbon offsets are unacceptable: We desperately need both forest conservation AND policies that cut emissions at source."
"Indigenous peoples and women are the traditional caretakers of the forest," said Anne Petermann, Co-director of Global Justice Ecology Project. "The fact that they are being ignored and excluded in this process is typifying for the way in which we are moving in the wrong direction."
The International Forum of Indigenous Peoples on Climate Change, expressed their profound concern in a statement [1] read inside the UNFCCC about Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries (REDD):
REDD will not benefit Indigenous Peoples, but in fact, will result in more violations of Indigenous Peoples' Rights. It will increase the violation of our Human Rights, our rights to our lands, territories and resources, steal our land, cause forced evictions, prevent access and threaten indigenous agriculture practices, destroy biodiversity and culture diversity and cause social conflicts. Under REDD, States and Carbon Traders will take more control over our forests.Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Chair of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues added, "It is countries in the North that have caused the climate problem and now they are promoting projects like agrofuels [2] to supposedly address this problem, the impacts of which will be shouldered by the countries and indigenous peoples of the South."To worsen matters, World Bank President Robert Zoellick announced their latest scheme called the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, stated Dr. Miguel Lovera, Chairperson for the Global Forest Coalition. They are going to use the failed model of carbon trading to supposedly protect forests, but just like agrofuels, the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility [3] is going to exacerbate deforestation at a faster rate, worsen human rights abuses and do nothing for the climate but make it less inhabitable," he said. [Iverson: Notes edited lightly]
notes:[1] Statement from the International Forum of Indigenous Peoples on Climate Change (IFIPCC) at the 13th Session of Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC--SBSTA 27, concerning agenda item 5/REDD. See [Iverson: Specifically see this news release.]
[2] The term 'agrofuels' is a more accurate label for the production of fuel from industrially produced agricultural crops (and is also used by the FAO). The term 'biofuels' gives a false impression that these fuels are environmentally friendly, when they are in fact environmentally and socially destructive.
[3] The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility is the World Bank folding the carbon
storage potential of forests into their carbon trading scheme as another way to
avoid emissions reductions from polluter countries. ["notes" lightly edited]
1. Biofuels: Another False Solution to Global Warming, from Global Justice Ecology Project2. Advance copy of a major new report from Global Forest Coalition and Global Justice Ecology Project that reveals the social and ecological impacts of large-scale production of agrofuels. The True Cost of Agrofuels: Food, Forests and the Climate [specifically details the threats on forests and forest-dependent people that are resulting or are predicted to result from the production of agrofuels from food, oil and cellulose crops.] The report is available online (English version [PDF: 74 pp.])
and (Spanish [PDF: 80 pp.])
I couldn't agree more, trading carbon back and forth like a commodity is not going to really help global warming, and it surely is not going to help those in most dire need, the indigenous peoples. It is too bad that they have little to no voice in these talks.
Posted by: flash | December 15, 2007 at 06:08 AM
Bottom line: while every effort in energy efficiency and conservation is welcome, very large scale clean renewable energy solutions have to be designed and build NOW:
This is where the M.A.R.E. Initiative comes in.
M.A.R.E. is put together by people who care about the future of this planet and want to act now, before it's way too late. People who do realize we need to think BIG.
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MARE's goal is to become the largest independent clean energy provider in the world and has the potential to make the Difference, the next big step in our progress as a civilization.
The project is based on proven technologies, qualified as "suitable for funding" by the World Bank.
Posted by: MARE Initiative | December 22, 2007 at 12:16 PM
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Posted by: Stefan | January 04, 2008 at 04:08 PM
This is a paper on preference-directed regulation and environmental law. SSRN link:
Posted by: Michael Livermore | January 25, 2008 at 04:01 PM
Gret blog! Congratulations, I have bookmarked it. I enjoy it very much.
Posted by: joaquin | February 01, 2008 at 11:49 AM
Gret blog! Congratulations, I have bookmarked it. I enjoy it very much.
Posted by: joaquin | February 01, 2008 at 11:49 AM
Dear Friends,
Please consider an allegory: that a titanic struggle between human beings and the natural world is in the offing. It seems this struggle is fulminating now precisely because too many leaders of the 6.7 billion {soon to be 9+ billion} members of the human family generally do not share the perspective of many within the Orion community. Many too many of our brothers and sisters, especially those with great wealth and power, evidently see human organisms as separate from, and somehow superior to, life as we know it on Earth.
At least to me, it appears that an epochal contest is taking shape on the far horizon between the ‘team’ of “mother culture and father profit” on one side and ‘Team’ Mother Nature on the other.
This could be the greatest show on Earth in 10,000 years.
The team of “mother culture and father profit” appears adamant in its willful intentionality to stay the same old business-as-usual course of recklessly overconsuming limited natural resources; relentlessly expanding large-scale production and distribution capabilities without regard to physical limitations of the natural world; and overpopulating our planetary home, come what may for children and coming generations, biodiversity, the environment and the Earth’s body.
Team Mother Nature simply is.
Which team will likely be seen by reasonable and sensible observers as winning the contest for success in 2012, 2020 and 2050, if the human community continues its idolatry of distinctly human overconsumption, overproduction and overpopulation activities by choosing evermore unbridled growth just as we are doing now?
If the leaders of the family of humanity do not choose change, do you have any ideas about which team will prevail and when will the outcome of the colossal contest no longer be in doubt?
Steven Earl Salmony
AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population,
established 2001
Posted by: Steven Earl Salmony | November 22, 2008 at 07:38 AM
"They are going to use the failed model of carbon trading to supposedly protect forests, but just like agrofuels, the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility [3] is going to exacerbate deforestation at a faster rate, worsen human rights abuses and do nothing for the climate but make it less inhabitable"
they should have come up with this idea long time before, in this time we really need to take good care of our environment, for we don't know when it will take revenge on us.
Posted by: European Justice | August 02, 2009 at 07:40 PM