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March 23, 2007


John Feeney

"Why no big focus on biodiversity?" That's a good question. I wonder if part of it is that people just don't grasp the extent of what's going on. I know I thought I sort of knew the basics, but was still shocked recently to read some of the statistics -- like every one of the great apes (except for us) being in imminent danger of extinction, the same for all tigers, and a 90% decrease in African lions in the last 20 years. And of course those are just the glamor species. Most of the extinctions are happening in insects, birds, and plants (I think) which get little attention, but many of which may constitute very serious losses when all is said and done. I'm not sure, but I suspect if people really knew, there would be more commotion about it.

Steven Earl Salmony

Dear John,

At least to me, in these early years of Century XXI it appears that the large mammals you have identified could be "canaries in a coal mine." Certain distinctly human UNBRIDLED overgrowth activities, now uncontrolably overspreading Earth, are darkening and polluting our planetary home and, inadvertently, transforming this wondrous world God has blessed us to inhabit into a proverbial coal mine.

If the large mammals mentioned above do become extinct, what is it about the human species that leads you to believe that it and other large mammals are likely to experience evolutionary success?



Chris Miller

Except us?

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