We dabble a bit in "energy" here. Over at The Oil Drum they adress energy squarely and thoroughly. Here is a teaser:
Key Questions on Energy Options (and Thoughts on the SOTU), by Robert Rapier 01/24/2007: A question was recently posed here: What is the most important question concerning ethanol production? That got me to thinking about important questions regarding not only ethanol, but all of our energy sources. There are a number of issues that we must carefully consider for any of our potential energy sources.Go there for answers and commentary.In my opinion, they are:
1. Is the energy source sustainable?
2. What are the potential negative externalities of producing/using this energy source?
3. What is the EROEI?
4. Is it affordable?
5. Are there better alternatives?
6. Are there other special considerations?
7. In summary, are the advantages of the source large enough to justify any negative consequences?