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January 12, 2007



Interesting Dave, I hadn't heard about that before. The claims sound impressive (too impressive?) so will be interesting to see how it develops.

Dave Iverson

"claims sound impressive (too impressive?)"

I agree. I am fearful that this, like so many other seemingly interesting explorations into biodiesel will prove too energy expensive when "full cycle costing" is applied. In our system, (particularly here in the U.S.?) it proves too easy to work the system for personal financial advantage and shift the costs (environmental, financial, ...) to others.

This particular scheme requires a bunch of investment (and maintenance costs) in greenhouses and other equipment, not to mention the considerable costs (in terms of energy..., maybe?) in harvesting the "scum" and then turning it into useable fuel. At least we might get a bit more info on this if the facility is actually built.

don simmers

since pond scum is not ever going to be a reality on the market or ever cheaper than diesel fuel why don't you just tell me how to make it?that way maybe someone can use it.


Bio diesel is the new energy star, the name is a general one for a variety of ester-based oxygenated fuels made from soybean oil or other vegetable oils or animal fats

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