Sustainable Energy Forum 2006 Peak Oil and the Environment
May 7-9, 2006
Marvin Center, Washington, D.C.
Sponsor: The University of Maryland’s Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology ProgramSustainable Energy Forum 2006 will bring together scientists, policymakers and advocates from government, environmental NGO's and civil society groups to identify the challenges and opportunities for a sustainable energy future.
Our recently diagnosed "addiction to oil" has reignited interest in energy independence:
Global warming, geopolitical instability, and high oil prices have focused awareness on our need for energy alternatives. However, resource constraints may pose more proximate threats to human well-being on a global scale.
The Department of Energy, US Army, major oil companies, and the NY Times have recognized the widespread implications of reaching the maximum rate of global oil production: Peak oil will present unprecedented challenges to ecological sustainability and economic resilience, regardless of the peak’s timing.
These are a few of the key issues regarding peak oil and its implications that will be addressed during SEF 2006:
• What are the geologic and production constraints implicit in peak oil?
• What are the geopolitical implications of reaching the peak?
• What are some options for transportation fuel alternatives and their viability?
• What are the environmental implications of the energy alternatives being pursued?
• How much time do we have to implement alternatives?
• What does net energy have to do with how we respond?
• How much energy is needed for human well-being?
• What options do we have for reducing demand?
• What policy approaches are critical to moving forward?Our current energy trajectory is unsustainable: How the world responds to peak oil will determine how much energy is available to meet human well-being in the future.
Addiional background information:
Roscoe Bartlett U.S. Congressman, 6th District Maryland
Roger Bezdek President, Management Information Systems, Inc
David Blittersdorf President, NRG Wind Systems
Lester Brown President, Earth Policy Institute
William Catton Professor emeritus, WSU; Author, Overshoot
Cutler Cleveland Director, Energy and Environmental Studies, Boston U
Robert Costanza Director, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics
Herman Daly Professor, Public Policy, University of Maryland
Julian Darley Founder, Post Carbon Institute; High Noon For Nat. Gas
Kenneth Deffeyes Professor, Geology, Princeton University
Claudio Filippone Director, Center for Advanced Energy Concepts, UMD
Charles Hall Professor, Environmental Science, SUNY Syracuse
James Hansen Director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Richard Heinberg Author, The Party's Over, Powerdown
Michael Klare Professor, Peace & World Security, Hampshire College
Daniel Lashof Deputy Director, NRDC Climate Center
John Marano Adj. Professor, Energy Systems, University of Pittsburgh
Bill McKibben Author, The End of Nature, Enough
Pat Murphy Executive Director, The Community Solution
David Pimentel Professor, Agricultural Sciences, Cornell University
Megan Quinn Outreach Coordinator, The Community Solution
Mona Sahlin Minister for Sustainable Development, Sweden
Jack Santa Barbara Director, Sustainable Scale Project
Brian Schweitzer Governor, State of Montana
Art Smith CEO, John S. Herold, Inc
Joseph Tainter Author, The Collapse of Complex Societies