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April 24, 2006


Tracy W

Ah - some useful ideas.

I particularly like the point about power companies with hydroelectric dams paying to keep forests forested.

(I've just been reading Jared Diamond's "Collapse").

Dave I


Why not work up a review of "Collapse" for this forum. I continue to dabble, from time to time with Diamond's "Guns, Germs and Steel" but have not yet attempted "Collapse." For interested others, here's a Wikipedia link re: Jared Diamond: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Diamond

Tracy W

Will do - based on the policy prescriptions though. I don't know enough to make any criticisms of the archelogical or geographical work.


Likely neither do any of our readers know enough to make criticisms of archelogical or geographical work, Tracy. Looking forward to your contribution.

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