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March 02, 2006



Sorry for this being repetitive but my comments on EE are a little harsher than Tim's and I want to get as many response as I can (out of a genuine desire to engage in substantive debate, not score meaningless points):

I challenge anyone in EE to come up with a definition of sustainability, carrying capacity, or any of the other terms that they throw around that is actually OPERATIONAL. Second, the underpinning of much EE that advocates will rarely fess up to is that they want a massively expanded role of government in setting the economy on its "appropriate path" and telling people what to consume and how much- the centralization of power implicit in EE philosophy borders on authoritarianism at its core- just ask Josh Farley, author of the recent textbook on EE- who will willingly tell you how people don't realize the bad things they consume which the government needs to regulate and ration. EE is essentially paternalistic. Ok, ok, yeah, you got me, I really don't like EE too much....anyway, if someone in EE wants to debate let's start...

Tracy W

Although technological progress and unregulated markets have had many positive effects they cannot be depended upon to fully reconcile the conflict between economic growth and the long-term ecological and social welfare of the U.S. and the world,

Could you not add "unrestrained government" to this list?

The Communist governments were hopeless failures when it came to the environment.

And the outcome of the Kyoto Treaty (I understand that, of the signees, only Britain and Switzerland are on course to meet their Kyoto targets, and Britain only because it had reduced its use of coal for other political reasons), implies that democratic governments are having some major difficulties reconciling any conflicts too.

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