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November 01, 2005

How to Use This Blog

Hints for commenting and posting:


If you are leaving short comments in this or any other blog, you can just type them in the provided window, remembering to leave a name and email address (whether real or fictitious). It’s that simple. If you don't see a window at the bottom of a "post" click on "permalink" or "comments."

Our focus is on sharing ideas and comparing philosophies, methods, and so on. All we ask is that comments be respectful of the ideas and philosophies of others. No "flaming" or "baiting" will be tolerated.

Note: URLs will automatically be converted to hyperlinks. But we do NOT recognize HTML tags in comments.


"Posts" are commentary from those allowed to post-up initial information that comment threads tier from. Here are some hints for those allowed to "post"

  • Once you get through the TypePad entry portal, available from sidebar, simply cut and paste material from a word document, add a title and you are good to go. If you need more help you can go to the TypePad’s "Posting to your weblog."
  • Always compose your "post" in a word processor. Otherwise you risk losing it all during input/edits, etc.
  • Some editing helps are available on the "post" toolbar, for blockquotes, italics, underlining , strike-through, hyperlink creation, attaching documents or images, etc.

Advanced Posting:

If you want to develop long, complex posts you should develop them with a word processor. I use MS Word, but don't like the extra stuff that Microsoft has embedded in their documents. So I like to "reconfigure" my TypePad input to dis-empower MS Word. Here's how: Go to the TypePad post entry area. Look to the bottom of the page and click on "Customize the display for this post." Select the "plain text" mode.

Note that when dealing with longer documents, if you don't reconfigure the input, TypePad may flip you from WYSIWYG ("What you See is What you Get," TypePad's default input) into HTML edit mode. Unless you understand HTML codes you’ll be lost. Worse, if you try things to get back to WYSIWYG mode, you may lose your input.

While you are in "Customize the display for this post," scroll down and select "Extended Post" under "Post Screen Configuration"—which will allow you to break longer posts into a "post introduction" that people will see automatically and "post continuation" which is a click away for casual readers.

Posted by Dave on November 1, 2005 at 05:39 PM in Site-Keeping Posts | Permalink


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