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April 19, 2005
Blogging the Forest, Blogging the Forest Service
Civic Engagement is as close as our web browsers. Or at least it should be. Right now the Forest Service has many engagement forums, and likely will have more as time goes by. We are experimenting with different formats, so be patient with us.
What we need now are readers and writers. We need to engage with one another, and the public generally, to make our policies, programs, and practice better. After all, this is The Communication Age. Why not take advantage of it?
Here are some examples, mostly just starting, but all open to the public:
Forest Policy – Forest Practice: a co-op web-log discussing broad ranging ideas, innovation, and places where we prove to be less than innovative
Forest Planning Directives: a few forest planners and others discussing What’s Right and “What’s Wrong with our planning directives
Somewhere National Forest: a few forest practitioners discussing what it will be like to launch web-logs for their forests--for outreach, engagement, feedback, and more.
Ecosystem Management Coordination Forums: Portal to EMS, NEPA, and likely other forums yet to be added.
EMS Forums: Discussion of Environmental Management Systems in the Forest Service.
NEPA Forum: Discussion of National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) compliance.
Eco-Watch Policy Dialogues: Historical discussions going back to 1990, and various forums that began in 1999 (not much used anymore).
Posted by Dave on April 19, 2005 at 09:36 AM | Permalink
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