A couple of weeks ago the Nature Conservancy shared their approach to Adaptive Management and Organizational Learning with Forest Service Regional Planners and others. TNC has worked with others at Foundations for Success to develop thoughtful and useful approaches.
Among handouts was a very good overview titled Adaptive Management: A Tool for Conservation Practitioners [pdf, 1.8 mb] by Nick Salafsky, Richard Margoluis, and Kent Redford. 2001 Biodiversity Support Program, Washington, D.C.
I recommended to the group that we, the Forest Service, embrace this approach and adopt the overview as our guidebook. Nowhere have I seen such a tightly interwoven marriage of organizational learning and adaptive management. As anyone who has studied adaptive management knows, the marriage between the two is essential. Here are links to more of their approach:
Adaptive Management link
Monitoring and Evaluation
Collaborative Learning
[Updated 4/30/2012 to correct broken links to "fosonline." Note: they must have changed web-things sometime since I posted this up]